Women benefit from exercise twice as much as men!

Exercise is considered very important for good health and women benefit more from it than men.

This was revealed in a new medical study conducted in the United States.

Research by the Institute for Research on Healthy Aging reported that even 50% less exercise benefits women's health as much as men.

More than 4 lakh people between the ages of 27 and 61 were included in this research and data about their health was collected through various surveys from 1997 to 2019.

During this period, nearly 40 thousand people died, of which more than 11 thousand died due to heart diseases.

The study found that women who exercised for at least 150 minutes per week had a 24% lower risk of death from any cause.

In contrast, men who exercised for at least 150 minutes per week had a 15% lower risk of death from any cause.

Overall, men need at least 300 minutes of exercise per week to reduce their risk of death as much as women.

According to the researchers, this was not an observational study and the results cannot be considered conclusive.

The research also did not clarify why women benefited more despite exercising less.

But experts say the results show that physical activity is important for good health.

Experts said that there is no need for money to exercise, only time is needed.

According to the researchers, all kinds of exercise are beneficial to health and one can keep oneself healthy even by exercising for a short period of time.

The results of this research were published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Women benefit from exercise twice as much as men!