Sexually transmitted viruses can increase heart disease in women; expert

It has been reported from long and unique research that women are more likely to develop heart disease with the human papillomavirus caused by sexual intercourse.

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is mostly caused by unprotected sex, but this virus can also be caused by safe sex.

Currently, there is no confirmed treatment for this sexually transmitted virus, but experts treat it with various drugs.

HPV usually has no symptoms, and people living with the virus can develop serious infections, but the virus usually goes away on its own.

HPV increases the chances of various types of cancer in women and men, and now it has come to light that it can also increase the risk of heart disease in women.

According to research published in the medical journal European Heart Journal, experts investigated more than one and a half million Korean women who did not suffer from any heart disease at the beginning.

Experts evaluated the level, type and complications of HPV in women known up to 17 years, from which it was reported that the sexually transmitted virus can also cause heart diseases in women.

According to experts, women living with HPV can increase their death due to heart disease and heart attack.

According to experts, the chances of suffering from heart disease increases to four percent in women suffering from HPV.

Sexually transmitted viruses can increase heart disease in women; expert