When should diabetics exercise? Amazing research

Regular exercise is beneficial for every disease and recently there has been significant research on exercise for diabetics.

It has been reported from a recent new research that people suffering from type 2 diabetes can benefit if they exercise in the morning or at night instead of in the morning.

In the past, there have been many studies on exercise to control diabetes, in which exercise and physical activity have been shown to be helpful in reducing the disease.

Recent research has shown that exercise is the most beneficial for diabetics and can bring the sugar back to normal.

According to the research published in the medical journal Diabetic Care, experts reviewed the data of 2400 people, who were investigated for 4 years, to examine the effect of exercise on diabetes.

The report said that all the people involved in the research were overweight and had type 2 diabetes.

The experts asked all the people to exercise at different times of the day and some digital devices were implanted in the body of these people, through which the time and amount of their physical exercise was observed.

According to the experts, surprising results came out from the research that during the second half of the day, the level of sugar in the exercisers decreased a lot, until the diabetic patients stopped taking medicine.

The results showed that the people who maintained their daily exercise for a year had significantly lower blood sugar levels and stopped taking medications.

Experts have not told the benefits of exercising during the day and night, but said that there are surprising benefits of exercising in the morning.

According to the experts, it is not clear why sugar remains under control by exercising during the second half of the day. More research should be done on this matter.

On the other hand, some experts expressed their concerns about the said research and raised the question that the experts said that there are no negative effects of exercising, while in the past, some negative effects of exercise have been reported in the research conducted on diabetes patients. .

When should diabetics exercise? Amazing research