SAU Tandojam Shines with Student Creativity at Poster Presentation and Project Display

Tandojam (Press Release) Department of English at Sindh Agriculture University (SAU) Tandojam hosted an inspiring event, the "Poster Presentation and Project Display," where BS English students showcased their brilliance and creativity through a series of engaging projects and posters. The event was a testament to the exceptional talents of first and second-semester students.

The exhibition was officially inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Social Sciences (FASS), Prof. Dr. Aijaz Ali Khooharo, along with Dr. Shabana Sartaj, Chairperson of the English Department, through a ceremonial ribbon-cutting. The event drew considerable attention, with faculty and students from across the university attending and engaging with the exhibits.

Prof. Dr. Aijaz Ali Khooharo, while addressing the gathering, praised the students’ efforts: “This event not only highlights the academic and creative abilities of our students but also enhances their critical thinking and communication skills, which are essential for their future success.” He emphasized the importance of combining creativity with academic learning for a well-rounded educational experience.

Chairperson Dr. Shabana Sartaj expressed her pride in the students, stating: “The dedication and hard work demonstrated by our students in bringing these projects to life reflect the solid academic foundation we provide. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments.” She encouraged students to continue striving for excellence and compete with their peers at other institutions.

Under the dynamic supervision of Ms. Naila Baloch, 38 students presented six posters on topics such as Phonetics, Sound Formation, and Phonetic Transcription. In addition, 35 students exhibited four innovative projects centered on Philosophers of English Language and Literature as part of their semester tasks. A special segment featured three research posters on Gender Discourse, presented by 9 students under the guidance of Ms. Saima Larik.

SAU Tandojam Shines with Student Creativity at Poster Presentation and Project Display