Gandapur lost majority, vote of confidence should be taken from assembly: Faisal Karim Kundi

Peshawar (MD) Speaking to the media in Peshawar, Faisal Karim Kundi said that Ali Amin Gandapur has lost his majority, he should take a vote of confidence from the assembly. It has been postponed several times, he said that the Chief Minister does not have the majority, there may be a motion of no confidence against him, I can formally ask the Chief Minister to take a vote of confidence. Governor Faisal Karim Kundi said that God forbid. To take action on the summary of advisers and special assistants, to tell why the ministers and advisers are being changed, if they are corrupt and incompetent, why are they not being punished. He said that the education system in the province has improved. A bill should be brought in the assembly so that the children of politicians and bureaucrats can also study in government schools.

Gandapur lost majority, vote of confidence should be taken from assembly: Faisal Karim Kundi