Introducing a new feature in Instagram Stories, learn how to use it

Instagram has introduced a new feature of comments for stories for users.

With the help of this feature, users will be able to make comments in Instagram stories that will be automatically deleted after a certain time.

Before that, it was possible to make comments in Instagram Stories, but the comments became private messages and were only visible to those who posted the story.

Now, direct comments are being added to Instagram stories through which other people can see the sentiments of users.

But specific people can comment on a story, that is, only users who are followers of the person who posted the story can comment, or people who are followed by the person who posted the story can also comment.

Like Instagram stories, the lifetime of comments will be up to 30 hours.

According to an Instagram spokesperson, users will have the option to turn comments on or off on any story.

The company did not say whether the comments would be moved to the archive after 24 hours or disappear entirely.

Introducing a new feature in Instagram Stories, learn how to use it