It has been revealed that 36 lady teachers of Sindh colleges have been absent from duty for many years

Karachi: It has been revealed that 36 lady teachers of Sindh colleges have been absent from duty for many years.

Despite the absence of lady teachers, their names were included in the seniority list for promotions. Decision to publish advertisement in newspaper for 7 to 10 years off duty college lady teachers.

College department mobilized after discovery of absenteeism of 36 lady teachers, process to fulfill legal requirements before dismissal

The Education Minister issued instructions to advertise and post about the missing lady teachers in Sindhi Urdu and English newspapers.

Actions against them will be fired after advertisement - Sources

They will be notified to report to the college department through advertisement - they will be given a last chance to report.

It has been revealed that 36 lady teachers of Sindh colleges have been absent from duty for many years